Friday, July 6, 2012


The things then heighten your wisdom in knowing right and wrong.

So, It has been awhile since I wrote my last post. I spent the last two nights off-- to celebrate what America is and what it stands for. All the troops that sacrifice their lives daily, so that we do not have to. If everyone would put in sacrifices with their lives, this country would not have the problems that they have.

I love America, and I feel blessed to be part of a great and beautiful Nation. Every once and a while, I feel that I have been lucky to be placed where God wanted me to be. Sometimes it is beyond comprehension to understand the true freedom of free will, being placed in a country that practices the right, even though that it is only to a certain extent. Thankful that we are able to have religious freedom, because without Christ, I do not know where I would be today.

America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave. We stand for the people, and by the people. We embrace life, and build dreams. We are given a chance to pursue our destiny, educate our children and continue in prosperity. A place where you can believe, a place where you can hope, a place where sacrifices are made, where love is our symbolic approach in continence to live, fight and progress. We are not the richest and the smartest. But we are the bravest. We are who we stand for. Because we understand that United we stand, and divided we fall. We let freedom ring, from the cascade mountains that surround the beautiful forests of the west. We let freedom ring, over the Rockies to the heart land of America. We let freedom ring across the the rivers that flow through the Mississippi valley to the magnifying hills of Georgia. We let freedom ring, from the city lights of New York to the palm trees in Florida. We let freedom ring, because we are the people, with a choice and direction, to gain progression and teach children a better life of morals. We let freedom ring because we are unique, we are different, We are, The United States of America, the symbolic stance for Liberty, the light of embracing and giving our future a beautiful and hopeful life. So, let us embrace any change and fight any challenge, because only it is us who understand the mentality and the individuality. It is only us who can choose our progress by the choice of our people. It is only us, that we can do what we can, and make a living for it. Let us live, for who we are, and what we are, because we are the American Dream. The only Dream. The dream with insight of understanding and helping others. The dream of an ultimate goal. The goal of a world, silent as the stars that are so separated from the skies. Yet because of their light of working together brings us sight in our darkest times. We are a nation, for the peace and for the distribution of peace. Look to your left, and see who you have, look to your right, and understand who you have. Hold hands and embrace life, because we have free will, to decide to continue down a path. A righteous path. An Amazing, God Loving and spirit fighting country. Let the blood that flows through your vessels feed your heart the joy and happiness that is a constant reminder of what we can become. Let us choose and give hope. Let us fight and remain victorious. Let us show the world, that we stand for life and not for death. Let us show to the world, why we let freedom ring across the lands where our forefathers have fought. Let us show the world that we can help, we can save, we can love, we can change. Because America, we are unique to be able to choose our paths and our creeds. Unique to lead for the people and by the people. So, Let us show that the world can follow the justification of this quote. United we stand, and divided we fall. Together we can, be the red in our bloods that keep us alive. Together we can be the blue that stretches itself around our world. Together we can be the white in showing that we stand for peace, freedom and life. America, this is your time. Embrace it, because this is, the American Dream.

                                                         -Jacob Williams on the American Dream, July 4 2012

Parts of this written speech was compiled together from my thoughts of what we should stand for. America is no longer the American Dream that we wish for it. We are no longer in control of our destiny because we let others decide our fate. We are Americans. Have we forgot that it is by our individuality that we choose to lead this nation, rather than a representation. America should not falter, and should not fail. And we have not yet. But as an American, ask yourselves after reading above, is this the American Dream, that you have kept in your hearts locked up with a key that was taken from you. If we can make change, let it be by us, the people, the love and joy, the rights and freedom to chose not to vote for either, Obama nor Romney, but for the better of America. It is time that we elect someone who believes in the American Dream. It is time to elect the peoples Champion. Let us make this change, let us make this path and let us show the world, that they can do the same to achieve the things, that this world has never seen. Do not allow power to change, but the equality in all men to remain. If you believe in a better America, I urge you to go, and vote for the tea party. Let us be the voice that the government hears. From the insufferable justice that we have continued to face. Let them hair the cries of those who are out of jobs. Let them hear the words "We want the American Dream. We have the hope, we have the right, and we have the free will, so Americans use it. I love you all my American brothers and sisters. Let us have change and build bridges to a brighter country. And lastly, let us have the courage to be leaders, so that the world can follow, but let them also decide if they want, The American Dream.

I am not saying, that we are in the darkest of our times, but we will be if we do not choose to stand up for the reason America, became America. Before we can lead or change we must have a great insight on ethics and morals. We need to know the difference between right and wrong. Those who have faith, and trust in the Lord, he asks us not to worry, and let Christ worry about you. The Bible will without a doubt tell you right from wrong. We are all sinners.We continue to sin because Christ knows that we cannot be perfect, no matter how hard we try, we all fall short of Glory.

Those who do not have faith, who are not part of any Church, it is not I who judges you, but it is God, the creator of heaven, earth and everything in it. He loves you, more than I could ever love anyone. But you have the free will to chose what you want to believe.

Our Morals build our Character. The more we know about what is right, and the less we do that is wrong, the more wisdom in things that we gain. Not everyone comes from a home that is built on light. But find those who have a broken home, help them. You may not be their parents. But as an American we can instill a responsibility for gaining progress in our violence and decisions. We can teach because we have a mouth. They may not listen at first, but acknowledge the reason that they have ears. It has been proven that if you talk to someone that you are not related to, the more the person will be willing to listen. We have the responsibility in our actions that reflect on others as examples. That is why we have our eyes, so that we can see the right from wrong. We can learn and study from it. That is why we have our minds. You do not have to be perfect, but you are more responsible for things if you want to reach a goal to live and cheerish a life that includes the progression of an American Dream.

"Everyone talks about knowing the difference between right and wrong. Just because you do something right, doesn't prove that you will never be wrong. Because most of the time it takes doing something wrong to understand whats right."

                                                        - Jacob Williams, July 2012 on Right and Wrong.

Every once in awhile we make mistakes. We do something wrong and that is okay. We learn to grow from our mistakes. We have consequences for every choice that we make, good or bad. People who fight through the things that try to bring you down will only make you stronger as a person, and as a human being. More people would be able to love others if they understand that in this life it is not about perfection, but wisdom.

"The man who has everything really has nothing, but the man who has wisdom has everything."

                                                              -Jacob Williams, July 2012 on Wisdom

Having the wisdom to know right and wrong will get you farther in this life mentally than someone who already has everything. Someone who has everything really has nothing, other than more to lose. This is a reason why Christ says so much about the poor. You do not have to be poor to have such great wisdom. Bill Gates gives a lot of money to other people that need it, who did not finish college but I can tell you that this man probably had a lot of wisdom knowing right from wrong. Steve Jobs on the other hand had everything, greedy with money and died of cancer. Steve Jobs has achieved many great things in his life technology wise. Did he die because he was greedy, no. He died because of cancer. He had a great mind for things, but the difference between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs is the wisdom between the two. Bill Gates still has his life, gave away money and donated for research and cancer projects. He had the wisdom to know that his money could have the possibility to save millions rather than kill millions and have no scientific breakthrough. However, Steve Jobs gave money to his family after his passing. These two are very respectable men in America who have done great things. In my eyes, they are great people, but it proves the fact that knowing the difference between doing whats wrong and right can make you a better person inside, and can reflect well on others as great examples.

I would also like to share a quote with you that I made back in 2009, right around the time I started to write quotes.

"People think hard about doing things easy. But people often miss how easy it is to pray about doing something hard."

                                                                                                    -Jacob Williams, 2009.

I also want to say a few things before I let go. I want to thank all of the troops who have supported and sacrificed so much for this country. Because of you, we have the insight and the confidence to change America for the better. Because of you, we are home, living life the way that we should be living. Because of you, we feel safer and feel that we truly have something worth fighting for. If we all gave as much as sacrifice you all deal with every single day, this country would truly be living the American Dream, and would not have the problems that we have. I thank you all for the service that you give to us, so that we can all experience the joys and freedom that this Country was founded on. God bless you, and God Bless America.

God is Love


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