Saturday, June 30, 2012


The ability to visualize your future with a creative imagination is a great thing.

Today was as busy as the last four have been. Blogging has become a daily routine for me, just at night right before I go to bed. Mainly because this is the best part of the day, where I have the highest insight about just anything in life. It does not even have to be about my life. It can instill just basic ideas, creative thinking, looking into what I see in my own future, (Not that I am a psychic or anything.) or just quotes that I just ramble up and put together through my head.

Imagination is not always a good thing. For some people, they have expectations for how they want life to turn out. That is a bad thing, because for one, it brings stress into your life. The great thing about this life is that the unexpected happens. If you were to live life in every way you expected, you would not be satisfied. No matter how much you get out of life, it is in our own nature that we will never be fully satisfied. We will continue to just want more and more.

Is wanting more a bad thing? Not always. Wanting more can be a great thing depending on your how you view things. It could give you a great sense of motivation and passion for somethings. Wanting more could also be greedy and selfish. 

I admit that I have the the whole I want more view, but with the expectations of knowing that anything is possible but also understanding that I know expecting something will not always go my way. The main expectations would to be married to a woman who shares a relationship with Christ as I do. That is an important one. It is also very important to me that I must love others and not judge them for it. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and take it as that.

"Imagination is proof that your mind is powerful enough to give you wisdom, a beautiful visualization to oversee evaluations in certain aspect of your lives, understanding differences in expectations, the ability to make smart decisions and to sense the worlds between fantasy and reality."
                                                              - Jacob Williams, June 2012 on Imagination

Imagination is what gives Comedians good material. I love Comedy stand ups, they have such great material. One would think they have a great sense of Imagination. I would have to agree with that. That may be a perfect example for how people use imagination a bit more than they do thank knowledge. But I also do believe that both go hand in hand.

People make good debates about how Imagination is better than Knowledge--or the latter. But, I would have to agree that imagination will always be better than Knowledge. Not all Knowledge is good. Imagination will definitely get you anywhere, physically and mentally. Knowledge may do the same, but with limits. The reason I believe that Imagination if proof of divinity is because not everyone has the same imagination.

The same ideas? Yes, but not the exact same idea that flows with your perception of the imagination within that idea, if that makes any sense. Anyways, our imaginations are just like our finger prints. That is why I say it is proof of divinity. Imagination will take us beyond the outer limits that logistics, knowledge and other things could ever get us. I think it would be safe to say, that without imagination, what would our motivation be? It gives us a sense of hope to believe that we can do anything. 

I hear the term "If we can set our minds to anything, you can do anything." I agree, but to a certain extent. If you were given something that you had no knowledge about whatsoever and were told to figure it out, could you do it with just your knowledge or would you need imagination to do it?

"Knowledge says that you can't do it, but your imagination says that you can, the more you start to use your imagination, the more clearly you will see that logic will only get you so far."

                                                                                                          -Jacob Williams, June 2012 on Knowledge vs. Imagination

I hope you all enjoyed tuning in to read. If you haven't caught up to my past four posts, they are pretty insightful. A little about me, and a little about life. God Bless and Love you all.

God is Love.


Friday, June 29, 2012


The things that you enjoy doing, and the things you love to do.

I can tell you that finding a job is more of a drag rather than passion, but that is what I am stuck with doing until I can find a job. I am still doing what I need to do and keeping myself busy during the day. At night, I get stuck with Blogging, I actually quite like doing it. Great way of expressing my inner self.

I have a huge Passion for standing up for Christ. A lot of people think I may come across as aggressive rather than seeing that I am passionate for standing with what Christ says. When you are told that it is not true about a certain thing a religion follows, I would be immediately on the offense. But, the truth lies in his Word. I have read the Bible so much in my life, more than most people realize. 

I know there is a difference in believing what Christ said is true, than listening to what man says and falling for it, because I have actually been through it. I am just glad that I am back with Christ, and that I have a stronger relationship with him than I ever did. If you look at Christianity at its very core, most people think it is just following Christ. However, it is true, but there is a lot more to Christianity than just following Christ.

Christianity means that you know that there is entirely nothing you can do, but have faith and believe in Christ. This doesn't give us a licence to sin like many like to say. We are all sinners, and our hearts are harden as Christ says. 

A lot of people can't really get passed that his Grace is free, and that we have to work. Now, I am not saying that work is entirely bad, and that you should not do work, I am just saying that you cannot work your way into heaven based on your works. That is why our faith means the most to us. (A lot of the religions have to follow works, such as Muslims, Jews, Mormons, JW's and so on.) The unique part of Christianity is accepting that Christ is the only way to heaven, there is no other way, not doing this or that, just Jesus Christ.)

In Utah, I have on occasions been told that I should not wear a cross because it is celebrating Christs death. I would admit that it was insulting to hear that, but we purely acknowledge that Christ is alive and living today. Not that I am giving a shout out, nor am I speaking for all the LDS people. There are a select few who have told me this.

 I am sorry if this in away offends anyone, it was not meant in any way to offend but to share an example of what I have been told. Since I have only witnessed to Mormons, the example was something that I choose to go with. My intentions are only to be honest with others in what I have experienced in life so far.

Now, people are entitled to believe what they want. But to assume that I only focus on Christs death would be smearing the facts of your views on Christianity. We focus on our faith and relationship with Christ. (I am not speaking for all Christians, but for myself and what I have learned throughout my life.)

I have a question for a lot of people to ponder about, and not to take in any offense, because I truly do mean it in the nicest pure way as I can possibly say.

If you think that Christ is all powerful, almighty and perfect-- Would he also have the ability to know the intentions of our hearts? 

Christ knew that our hearts were harden, and that we were slave to sin. And by believing in him we will not perish but have eternal life. If Christ knows your intentions of your heart, then what use is it for works. This is exactly why he says our works are filthy as rags. 

Another perfect question would be, if someone was dying in your arms, at that moment how would you bare him with the Good news?

Would you say, believe in Christ and ask to be forgiven and you will be with him in heaven-- Or would you say, sorry, you have to do this and that and be pure, and have some faith too?

Would that man feel he had the good news with scenario one or scenario two.

In my opinion, I would feel like I have been given the good news in Scenario one. 

One of my favorite stories about this deals with two people drowning in the ocean who did not know how to swim. 

The first man began to drown, and believed that he could do all the work learning how to swim himself and try to swim himself up above the water. He believed that only he can save himself by the all the work he applied and had faith in himself, in result, he drowned. 

The second man began to drown, and believed that Christ would save him. He believed in all his heart and soul, free from worry that Christ would save him. In the end, he was saved. Because we all fall short from glory.  

Many would ask, well logically you would be wrong. Logically I would be, but the point would be missed, because the man believed in all his heart and soul, trusted in the Lord, he was given eternal life. It has been said many times before, that we must follow God, not flesh and bone (people or yourself) and that we could not serve to masters (A person and God) because God is One.  There is no other God. 

Those are just a few examples of me standing by what Christ says directly in the Bible. When someone stands on the offensive side, they only look at the fact that they are being persecuted  and are completely ignorant to the person who is testifying truth to you. A lot of people use the word contention. In reality, it is just another term for ignorance. Not that I am being contentious here, but realistically, I am looking at it at different perspectives.

When the tables are turned--when they are telling you what they believe, usually they hardly ever say that I am persecuting you. I do not see anyone as trying to persecute me but only see it as their opinion on what they believe. And I do not have to believe what you way based on what you feel. I believe because it is by the Word of God, and what he tells us is through his word. 

In order for one to know the truth, you must test all things. You must hold on to his Word. (The Bible.) it is how we understand things better. I question things so that I can learn more about it. I learn more every single day about the Gospel. I have asked questions to my Youth Pastor. It is never bad to ask questions. 

So, in all, it goes both ways, and as I have pointed out, God gave us free will to make that decision. And I respect ya' all, but you should search really learn on anothers beliefs than basing that we just celebrate Christs death.

''Stand with Christ, and you will see that the impossible will become a life full of possibilities."
                                                                                              -Jacob Williams, 2007 on Standing with Christ

There are more things that I have like to do as well. I love watching sports. So, I would start out with Baseball. I grew up on it basically. When you are from Washington, baseball in the 90's was America's game. I think everything got switched around, I believe NFL and College Football now have taken over the scene.

I became a Seattle Mariner fan at such a young age. My grandparents took me out to watch them play in their old stadium ( King dome..i think) in 1994. When Ken Griffey Jr, and Egdar Martinez were still on the team. On the way back from the game, we actually sat at a stoplight right next to Ken Griffey Jr. That is probably the closest I have ever got to such an American Iconic Baseball player.Those were my prized years of watching the Mariners growing up. I always loved the Boston Redsox as my second favorite team. It was not until 2002 when I started to like them more which eventually became my favorite. The Redsox have such a rich history, and they dislike the Yankees, which really works for me. 
Boston Redsox have the one of the best rivarlies in all sports, they finally won a World Series in 2004 and again in 2007. 2004 was very monumental because they were down 0-3 against the New York Yankees in the Playoffs and came back to beat them in seven games. The joy of watching them that year was amazing. 

 Then, football came along in my life. I never was really interested in football until 2003, when College Football took my attention by storm. I was living in Nebraska at the time, and my first game I ever went to was in October of 04. It was an amazing experience. Pretty safe to say that being in that stadium is unlike any other stadium, in any other sport that I have ever been too. When you are there, it is red and white just about everywhere you look, except the green grass and yellow goal posts. The fans are top notch and the classiest fans you will probably ever meet. Being there is more than just cheering for a team. It is like family, all together, supporting one team. Just, its amazing to be there, and if you are ever in Nebraska, I would recommend anyone going to a Nebraska Cornhusker game, I wrote something to let everyone know what its like being a Nebraska fan. 

"Nebraska is where our colors shine, where red means that September is coming, where the love spreads and hope finds, where miracles are seen and legends created. Where we all come together, to support one team, we are unique, because we are the Sea of Red."

                                                                            -Jacob Williams on Nebraska Football, August 2009

I would be very cautious around me watching Nebraska Football, not that I am violent, just very into the game, so in the focus. I love Nebraska Football. Only true Husker fans will understand the meaning of what it is like being part of the Sea of Red. 

For the NFL:
-New York Jets
-Seattle Seahawks

-Seattle Supersonics
-Los Angeles Lakers

-Boston Bruins

-Seattle Sounders

I have many other things I really enjoy doing. I really enjoy watching movies. The Hollywood outlook on America is pretty big. My favorite movies are:

-Django Uchained
-Counte of Monte Cristo
- A Walk to Remember
- Unthinkable
- 88 Minutes

I also love watching TV Shows as well. The shows that I really enjoy watching are:

-Sons of Anarchy
- The Shield 
- The Big Bang Theory
- Ancient Aliens (not that I believe everything, but very interesting outlook.)
- America's Got Talent
- Falling Skies
- The Mentalist
- The Voice
- The Following

"Follow your passion, because most of the time beneath it lies your heart, that decides your level of determination and devotion of reaching goals you thought could never be achieved."

               -Jacob Williams, June 2012

I hope you all have a great day. Again, to people who may be reading religiously from different perspectives, I wanted to let you know that my intentions were not to offend but to share the truth in what I have witnessed. As well that I am an American, I do have freedom of speech :) And you all do too. 

God is Love.


Thursday, June 28, 2012


Accepting the right things, getting rid of pain that instills you.

Acceptance is probably one of the toughest fought battles that I have ever faced in my life. Accepting the fact that my father, who now is in a better place will not be able to see me grow up in person, but in spirit. There are days where I can hardly imagine his face let alone remembering his voice.

Sometimes in this life, you have to accept the fact that some things are just out of your control. And it is okay that in those moments when you feel lost, no hope or crushed, that you realize that everything happens for a reason. Whether you believe in God or not, he certainly does believe in you.

Today, I woke up with a feeling of peace. Just letting God take care of the things that I have no control in over my life, and I am perfectly okay with that. My productivity continues, putting out more applications to heighten my chances of finding a job.

"In this life, sometimes you have to do what you need to do in order to achieve the things that you want to achieve." 

                                                                                                          -  Jacob Williams, 2009

The moment when you feel peace it is a really rich feeling. For some, it can be as if time is slow, and your senses really start to kick in, at higher levels. For other people, it is just not feeling anything, not happy, sad or upset, just more as noticing that this moment is a moment for what it is and you accept it. Acceptance plays a huge role in bringing peace into your lives. It is not the only way, but it worked for me. 

It took me a long time to accept dealing with the pain instilled deeply inside of my heart of knowing that my dad will no long be here in flesh, but in spirit. But I accept the fact that it was God's will, and it was his time. Although his decisions reflected on this fate, in the end, that is where it took him. I solemnly believe that God has a plan for everything.

I started to look at the positives ten years after his death. How much stronger it made me. I've learned so much just from an act that decided someones departure-- who was really close inside my heart. I may not truly get close to people as I have in the past in result of what happened, but I have accepted that his is the outcome, and that sooner or later, I will have to face that inner demon myself.

Because of this departure, as I mentioned in earlier posts, it gave me inspiration to want to have kids someday, and really be there for them- every step of the way. In other ways it made me the person I am today, made me really think about things before I would do them. 

So, for the meantime, I really feel at peace right now. Moving on in life and starting to focus on the things I really need to focus on. It was nice to spend two years of my life in the party scene, doing my own thing and having fun. But I got tired of waking up and doing the same thing everyday. 

Hangovers, throwing up, missing important conversations, missing memories and important things you really don't want to forget. Being sober every day is a constant reminder that you never know what is coming your way. You live one day at a time, and take one day at a time, accept it and take whatever it is for what it is. 

Bad things happen. Good things happen. Let the times roll and live to love and start accepting that you cannot control every single aspect of your entire lives. Only a majority of it. Have the mentality to put God first, you second and whatever else that is important in your life, third. 

'Cause my friends, freedom ain't free, and you only get one shot at living this life. Might as well live it as it is your last, because in my perspective it is. Abide in the truth, seek it and follow it, Hold fast and have faith. You can't find the truth by feeling something, You find truth in his Word.

I encourage those who haven't heard "Alive in this Moment" by Starfield to listen in. It is a rich song, and it is a song I listen to when I feel at peace. Savoring moments that you want to remember.  

And the quote for you all, I hope you enjoy:

"Accept all things you cannot control, the sooner you understand that, the easier the hardships and struggles you have in your life will be."

                                                                                           -Jacob Williams, 2012

God is Love.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Inspirations.. Those things that drive you.

July fourth is right around the corner, not literally of course. I was pretty excited earlier on in the year to start a tanking tradition with my best friends who live in Nebraska. It may sound odd, but I kinda miss that place. Not for the views, or the weather, but for the fact that I made pretty cool friends there. It is kind of a bummer I may miss out if I don't suit up and find a job soon. I got to be the grown up here and really set my priorities straight. As tempting as Nebraska sounds right now, the Job search is the most important thing that really matters to me. Not that Money is my entire life, but like it or not-- we all have to live on those little green bills.

Ah, the Job search, not so fun adventure that I am dealing with. But today I actually spent my day turning in a lot of applications, so I should keep my confidence booster up and await for these calls. It's not easy to find a job where I am living right now, but it is the effort that counts right? I oddly had so much motivation to keep on my productivity, which seems to be going well for me lately.

Inspirations-- sometimes the whole shadow behind everyone's motivation. Ah. Where do I begin?! I would gladly start of with Jesus Christ. Huge inspiration to me. Nothing in my life goes higher than him. I am really worry free now. I saw this picture, and it really rings true, right in the heart of what I am feeling today.

The Bible talks so much about not worrying about things, but only stay focused on the present. This is such an amazing quote. We also have to show our part in Christ. I have a great relationship with Christ, and I can even better it every day that I live. That is basically the big factor in my life, the huge motivator to do what I can and what he wants me to do. With Christ, anything can be done.

I wont even forget to mention that I love kids. My Father gave me that inspiration. He wasn't always around with watching me playing my ball games and stuff, but he was still there for me. No one in this life is perfect, and perfection is not of what I expect from others. His passing crushed my heart. But he is no longer suffering and that I know deeply inside my heart he is in a better place. I was eleven years old when this tragedy struck my life. The pain instills you for a long time. I finally came to peace with the fact that I can choose to remember him as loving and not put pain and death together in a category anymore, when I choose to remember him. 

 Children are the light of this world. Abortion a horrible thing to go through and I don’t wish it on any person, some are forced to do it and I’ll never judge anyone in that way.. I spent a lot of time around and talking to kids who were younger than I was, people always telling me that I would be a great father. That definitely is a big goal for me in this life, and a great opportunity that I know will come my way. I am only 23 years old, so I have time. Parenting is a huge step and a big responsibility, I still have some growing up to do though.

Schooling is important to me. I really need to get back to that. I want to have a great start and a great chance at life. I admit that sometimes I really do feel lost in what I really want to do. Going back in the spring will give me more insight at what I really want to become, (Other than a father of course--being that Marriage definitely comes first.) so that I can have a better shot at life.

My interest Youth Ministry wont pay my way through life, but there is nothing more amazing that to teach the Youth about Jesus Christ. Imagining that is just amazing. I would have never thought I would try to pursue that path, but I know that if I have passion for these two things, it is definitely what God wants me to do. 

Here is my quote for you all, for the day, wrote back in 2010:

"Change is bound to happen, do not be afraid of it, but embrace it, do not fight it, but learn from it, don't resist it, allow it."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -                                                                                                                                                                             - Jacob Williams, 2010.

Change occurs all the time. I will admit I do not always look at change positively, but the more changes that happen to me, the more I reflect in the positives in these changes that happen to be either big or small opportunities that are really a blessing in disguise. The more you embrace the changes and the less you fear them, the more confidence you have in direction in your lives. You can't exactly tell your whole story beginning to end, unless it bares the words, birth and death, then you can.

Take these changes and hold them in your hands and grip on to them. Some are good, and some may be bad, but if you all remember, God gives you what he knows that you can handle. The struggles are what makes us stronger. The support makes us know how important we are to others and make an impact on ones life.

Not everything in ones life is controllable. Let God handle the things that you cannot control. Accept the things you cannot change and wisdom to tell the difference. Have great self-control. Knowing the difference between the two really enlightens your wisdom and your sense of approach to things.

I had a teacher in High school that really summed up what life is all about he said to our class:

 "Everything in this life, is all about the approach. When you go out there in the real world, people are going to see and test how you approach these things."

That is probably one of the greatest quotes I have ever heard in my life. This is really true for me, just with my perspective on life. The way you approach things can make a huge difference in the way you face these changes that occur from time to time. You will really have control over your life if you think about approaching things in a positive way. Making a negative thing a positive thing. 

Of course I am not saying you always have to be happy every single day for the rest of your life. You would need to feel these little bursts of emotion every now and then too. It's good for you, and good for your body. Every now and then you are going to need a good cry.

I don't want to live life happy every single day of the rest of my life. It'll be a cheap rip off to the other feelings that make us all human. But the majority of my life I definitely do want to live in happiness. Which I could assume is a goal for most people. It is hard every day to just do that, especially in a world that suffers so greatly by the choices some people make.

The last thing, is the fact that everything happens for a reason. I believe that there is a reason behind everything we do, every choice we make, both consciously and subconsciously. We make choices at times where we just don't notice it. Like a gesture or itching our arm. People make that decision most of the time without saying "hey, I am going to itch my arm." and directly take notice of it. Most people will brush that off as a decision. 

"Decisions soon become your path, and your path soon becomes your destiny, without these decisions, your path is lost, and your destination will never be reached."

                                                                                    -Jacob Williams, 2012

God is love,


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


 Feeling lost is hard to admit, but hope is what keeps you treading.

 So, I woke up this morning, determined to get my butt out of bed earlier than usual. I have to confess, it really did help me feel better, and embrace things one day at a time. I truly love Washington. Just being here smelling the evergreen trees and looking at the sunset really does help some days. Being around and close to family has always been the number one thing for me. Today was a bit different than usual. I got to spend time with my second mom.

Loaned me a book that I really enjoyed reading so far (me.. a reader.. no way?). I never really have been into reading books, but I have always had a knack for writing. I plan on going to church with her on Sunday, so I am definitely looking forward to that. I need more insight and to learn more, even though I do know things. 

 I have been told that I am very good with my words.

I agree. But only to a certain extent. I only love writing about the things that interest me, or the things that I love writing about. I don't care much for the Nazi Grammar people who try to correct or try to make sense of something. I only start agreeing with them, when someone is being so obnoxious about their style of writing or grammar.

So much has changed already. So many things that I need to do. That is what I love about embracing what Christ gives you on your path. He gives you things because he truly knows that one can handle things. I have so much love left to give to the world. I love God's creation and the animals and beauty behind it. Some places are indescribable. I can only imagine what Heaven would be like. I have heard that Heaven will be like the best day of your life on earth multiplied by an number that cannot ever be measured. (How could I ever imagine that, we only get happiness in life every now and then.)

I guess the answer to that, is that we need to feel every emotion, because one would not have truly lived life the way God intended for us to live. It is how we know the truth for ourselves. That we must test all things and that we must hold on to what is Good. (Which is of course the Gospel and Christ.)


So, I finally got to see Mojo today. He still reminds me of that good ol' little pup he was in Omaha. It was great to see him. Finally got him to start running towards me for most of the time. It has been amazing how well JerriLynn has been taking care of him. She reminded me that he is already three, and he that the fact that time just flies by. I am so grateful that I am just 10 minutes away from him. 

Some days can turn out tough, but that is what family and friends are for. My Mom is really great, and her sobriety has really had an positive effect on me. I decided that I am done with drinking. I was right. It really is not my thing anymore. She has helped me more than I really do realize, and she is pretty amazing. I am glad that she is in Washington and that she is happy with where she is and doing what she needs to do for her family. 

I am ready to embrace life one day at a time. No more worrying about the future, because after all we cannot predict it (unless someone was being a smart Alec and decided to say "Well psychics can.") I wouldn't agree with you anyways, I don't really believe in that stuff. 

I would like to share a quote that I wrote in 2010, I hope you all enjoy it. It definitely is my favorite one. 

"Learn to live freely with the passion of doing the things that you desire to do most, while embracing the truth, the reality of things and hardships that make life worth living." - Jacob Williams, 2010

I warned you that I was good with my words. 

God is Love.
