Tuesday, June 26, 2012


 Feeling lost is hard to admit, but hope is what keeps you treading.

 So, I woke up this morning, determined to get my butt out of bed earlier than usual. I have to confess, it really did help me feel better, and embrace things one day at a time. I truly love Washington. Just being here smelling the evergreen trees and looking at the sunset really does help some days. Being around and close to family has always been the number one thing for me. Today was a bit different than usual. I got to spend time with my second mom.

Loaned me a book that I really enjoyed reading so far (me.. a reader.. no way?). I never really have been into reading books, but I have always had a knack for writing. I plan on going to church with her on Sunday, so I am definitely looking forward to that. I need more insight and to learn more, even though I do know things. 

 I have been told that I am very good with my words.

I agree. But only to a certain extent. I only love writing about the things that interest me, or the things that I love writing about. I don't care much for the Nazi Grammar people who try to correct or try to make sense of something. I only start agreeing with them, when someone is being so obnoxious about their style of writing or grammar.

So much has changed already. So many things that I need to do. That is what I love about embracing what Christ gives you on your path. He gives you things because he truly knows that one can handle things. I have so much love left to give to the world. I love God's creation and the animals and beauty behind it. Some places are indescribable. I can only imagine what Heaven would be like. I have heard that Heaven will be like the best day of your life on earth multiplied by an number that cannot ever be measured. (How could I ever imagine that, we only get happiness in life every now and then.)

I guess the answer to that, is that we need to feel every emotion, because one would not have truly lived life the way God intended for us to live. It is how we know the truth for ourselves. That we must test all things and that we must hold on to what is Good. (Which is of course the Gospel and Christ.)


So, I finally got to see Mojo today. He still reminds me of that good ol' little pup he was in Omaha. It was great to see him. Finally got him to start running towards me for most of the time. It has been amazing how well JerriLynn has been taking care of him. She reminded me that he is already three, and he that the fact that time just flies by. I am so grateful that I am just 10 minutes away from him. 

Some days can turn out tough, but that is what family and friends are for. My Mom is really great, and her sobriety has really had an positive effect on me. I decided that I am done with drinking. I was right. It really is not my thing anymore. She has helped me more than I really do realize, and she is pretty amazing. I am glad that she is in Washington and that she is happy with where she is and doing what she needs to do for her family. 

I am ready to embrace life one day at a time. No more worrying about the future, because after all we cannot predict it (unless someone was being a smart Alec and decided to say "Well psychics can.") I wouldn't agree with you anyways, I don't really believe in that stuff. 

I would like to share a quote that I wrote in 2010, I hope you all enjoy it. It definitely is my favorite one. 

"Learn to live freely with the passion of doing the things that you desire to do most, while embracing the truth, the reality of things and hardships that make life worth living." - Jacob Williams, 2010

I warned you that I was good with my words. 

God is Love.


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