Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Inspirations.. Those things that drive you.

July fourth is right around the corner, not literally of course. I was pretty excited earlier on in the year to start a tanking tradition with my best friends who live in Nebraska. It may sound odd, but I kinda miss that place. Not for the views, or the weather, but for the fact that I made pretty cool friends there. It is kind of a bummer I may miss out if I don't suit up and find a job soon. I got to be the grown up here and really set my priorities straight. As tempting as Nebraska sounds right now, the Job search is the most important thing that really matters to me. Not that Money is my entire life, but like it or not-- we all have to live on those little green bills.

Ah, the Job search, not so fun adventure that I am dealing with. But today I actually spent my day turning in a lot of applications, so I should keep my confidence booster up and await for these calls. It's not easy to find a job where I am living right now, but it is the effort that counts right? I oddly had so much motivation to keep on my productivity, which seems to be going well for me lately.

Inspirations-- sometimes the whole shadow behind everyone's motivation. Ah. Where do I begin?! I would gladly start of with Jesus Christ. Huge inspiration to me. Nothing in my life goes higher than him. I am really worry free now. I saw this picture, and it really rings true, right in the heart of what I am feeling today.

The Bible talks so much about not worrying about things, but only stay focused on the present. This is such an amazing quote. We also have to show our part in Christ. I have a great relationship with Christ, and I can even better it every day that I live. That is basically the big factor in my life, the huge motivator to do what I can and what he wants me to do. With Christ, anything can be done.

I wont even forget to mention that I love kids. My Father gave me that inspiration. He wasn't always around with watching me playing my ball games and stuff, but he was still there for me. No one in this life is perfect, and perfection is not of what I expect from others. His passing crushed my heart. But he is no longer suffering and that I know deeply inside my heart he is in a better place. I was eleven years old when this tragedy struck my life. The pain instills you for a long time. I finally came to peace with the fact that I can choose to remember him as loving and not put pain and death together in a category anymore, when I choose to remember him. 

 Children are the light of this world. Abortion a horrible thing to go through and I don’t wish it on any person, some are forced to do it and I’ll never judge anyone in that way.. I spent a lot of time around and talking to kids who were younger than I was, people always telling me that I would be a great father. That definitely is a big goal for me in this life, and a great opportunity that I know will come my way. I am only 23 years old, so I have time. Parenting is a huge step and a big responsibility, I still have some growing up to do though.

Schooling is important to me. I really need to get back to that. I want to have a great start and a great chance at life. I admit that sometimes I really do feel lost in what I really want to do. Going back in the spring will give me more insight at what I really want to become, (Other than a father of course--being that Marriage definitely comes first.) so that I can have a better shot at life.

My interest Youth Ministry wont pay my way through life, but there is nothing more amazing that to teach the Youth about Jesus Christ. Imagining that is just amazing. I would have never thought I would try to pursue that path, but I know that if I have passion for these two things, it is definitely what God wants me to do. 

Here is my quote for you all, for the day, wrote back in 2010:

"Change is bound to happen, do not be afraid of it, but embrace it, do not fight it, but learn from it, don't resist it, allow it."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -                                                                                                                                                                             - Jacob Williams, 2010.

Change occurs all the time. I will admit I do not always look at change positively, but the more changes that happen to me, the more I reflect in the positives in these changes that happen to be either big or small opportunities that are really a blessing in disguise. The more you embrace the changes and the less you fear them, the more confidence you have in direction in your lives. You can't exactly tell your whole story beginning to end, unless it bares the words, birth and death, then you can.

Take these changes and hold them in your hands and grip on to them. Some are good, and some may be bad, but if you all remember, God gives you what he knows that you can handle. The struggles are what makes us stronger. The support makes us know how important we are to others and make an impact on ones life.

Not everything in ones life is controllable. Let God handle the things that you cannot control. Accept the things you cannot change and wisdom to tell the difference. Have great self-control. Knowing the difference between the two really enlightens your wisdom and your sense of approach to things.

I had a teacher in High school that really summed up what life is all about he said to our class:

 "Everything in this life, is all about the approach. When you go out there in the real world, people are going to see and test how you approach these things."

That is probably one of the greatest quotes I have ever heard in my life. This is really true for me, just with my perspective on life. The way you approach things can make a huge difference in the way you face these changes that occur from time to time. You will really have control over your life if you think about approaching things in a positive way. Making a negative thing a positive thing. 

Of course I am not saying you always have to be happy every single day for the rest of your life. You would need to feel these little bursts of emotion every now and then too. It's good for you, and good for your body. Every now and then you are going to need a good cry.

I don't want to live life happy every single day of the rest of my life. It'll be a cheap rip off to the other feelings that make us all human. But the majority of my life I definitely do want to live in happiness. Which I could assume is a goal for most people. It is hard every day to just do that, especially in a world that suffers so greatly by the choices some people make.

The last thing, is the fact that everything happens for a reason. I believe that there is a reason behind everything we do, every choice we make, both consciously and subconsciously. We make choices at times where we just don't notice it. Like a gesture or itching our arm. People make that decision most of the time without saying "hey, I am going to itch my arm." and directly take notice of it. Most people will brush that off as a decision. 

"Decisions soon become your path, and your path soon becomes your destiny, without these decisions, your path is lost, and your destination will never be reached."

                                                                                    -Jacob Williams, 2012

God is love,


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