Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Sometimes we need to look inside of who we are by the decisions that we make, and focus on thinking before we make them.

So, It has been quite busy the past few days. With everyone home, everything is back to normal, and I am glad that the house is full again. I had two job interviews and I thought they went pretty well. I will find out about one of them by tomorrow and the other about three or four weeks from now, since it is not yet built. They are looking on hiring at least 90 people, so chances are I could get a job there as well.

So, I am enjoying life right now though. It is tough with the job hunt but it has paid off so far, and I am pretty confident in myself that sooner or later I will find something, even if it is not now, because I understand the messages that God has given to me. If I do not get these jobs, I take it as it is not in the will of God that I should be doing these things. I need not to worry about my future but to submit to God and stay confident that he will present the answers to me.

"Understanding the decisions that you make, will reflect on your mentality to either choose to have a good day or a bad one. Between the two, it is only up to you, to decide which one you want more, and to make that happen."

                                                            -Jacob Williams, July 2012 on Deciding your days

I love the fact that we have the free will to decide what we can and cannot do. It gives yourself the representation of who you are and what you can be. Anyone can do anything, if they set their mind to things they really want to accomplish. Nothing has ever been done in this world that came easy, everything we do is fought with a challenge. If you don't challenge yourself in the things you do, then how well do we know how much heart and determination we put into things that we want to accomplish?

I will admit that in a young age I didn't like challenges. I disliked them with a passion. I wanted everything to come my way in an easy manner. I wanted things always to go my way, even though they didn't. I was lucky enough to have a great family to support me in the things that I do and proud of the things that I have already accomplished. We are all faced with challenges, even if they are subconscious ones.

It makes me sad for people who say that they have no friends and that do not trust anyone because of a mistake or they are being let down all the time. I can try to understand the struggles that one can go through, because I have dealt with some of them in my life, but the key is to present yourself positively in light of all these challenges that you are faced with.

People love the positives that surrounds them. It makes others want to spend time with you more. If you can't approach things positively, that is okay. No one in this life is perfect. But don't try to bring others down when you have a bad day, just because you have had a bad day. Ask others for the help but don't represent yourselves to others in a negative way. Just ask for help, and people will help you in that moment.

On a side note, this post was suppose to be published back in Jan. 2012, and accidently did not publish it. So a few updates on the matter.

I have already found a job, It is overnights, and It is a job for now. I can say that I have really relied on trying to take each challenge of each day of my job and tackle it with positive light as I can, and not to try to rely on others to make my day better because I know for myself, that it is only me who can decide to have a good day or a bad one.

 Recently, maybe a week or so ago, I came into work and got unexpected news, even though I strive to be a  hard worker, not to be better than others but knowing that I can do what I can do for myself on a business outlook so that customers keep coming back, I received a plaque for being the employee of the month. I can say that I was shocked. This is something that i solemnly believe that we can do if we accept a challenge for ourselves.

I remember seeing another employee get one of these way back, somewhere in December and remember thinking 'Man, I want to achieve something like that so that my work ethic stands out to my managers', and at the same time keep a relatively positive attitude and try not to keep a acting attitude of being better than others-- but rather, doing things that I think are best for myself, for the outlook of business too.

"Sometimes in this life, it's not about being better than everyone else, but knowing what is best for you, once you realize that, you will start to see change around you and in yourself."
                                                                 -Jacob Williams, April 16, 2013

I have really been following that quote a lot lately. At the beginning of work yesterday, not the very begining but about ten or fifteen minutes into my shift the manager pulled me aside and spoke with me about being asked about a job offer to work, in which he said is more money. I was pretty excited about that. This is a great example that hard work really pays off if you really see things as a challenge everyday and work hard enough to try to tackle them everyday. You may not get a few things, but as long as you know in your heart that you strive to do the things you want to accomplish and you know that you have done your best-- and not looking at the things that you didn't get done or couldn't tackle, that positivity that you surround yourself is going to attract your heart, your motivation in trying harder everyday. It is very true when they all say that 'Hard work pays off'. Because it does.

Keep challenging yourselves. Have confidence that you can do things. Don't doubt the things that you cannot control, but have the wisdom to accept the things that you cannot change. Leave the Glory to God. Because--really, it is all about Him.

God is Love.
