Saturday, June 30, 2012


The ability to visualize your future with a creative imagination is a great thing.

Today was as busy as the last four have been. Blogging has become a daily routine for me, just at night right before I go to bed. Mainly because this is the best part of the day, where I have the highest insight about just anything in life. It does not even have to be about my life. It can instill just basic ideas, creative thinking, looking into what I see in my own future, (Not that I am a psychic or anything.) or just quotes that I just ramble up and put together through my head.

Imagination is not always a good thing. For some people, they have expectations for how they want life to turn out. That is a bad thing, because for one, it brings stress into your life. The great thing about this life is that the unexpected happens. If you were to live life in every way you expected, you would not be satisfied. No matter how much you get out of life, it is in our own nature that we will never be fully satisfied. We will continue to just want more and more.

Is wanting more a bad thing? Not always. Wanting more can be a great thing depending on your how you view things. It could give you a great sense of motivation and passion for somethings. Wanting more could also be greedy and selfish. 

I admit that I have the the whole I want more view, but with the expectations of knowing that anything is possible but also understanding that I know expecting something will not always go my way. The main expectations would to be married to a woman who shares a relationship with Christ as I do. That is an important one. It is also very important to me that I must love others and not judge them for it. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and take it as that.

"Imagination is proof that your mind is powerful enough to give you wisdom, a beautiful visualization to oversee evaluations in certain aspect of your lives, understanding differences in expectations, the ability to make smart decisions and to sense the worlds between fantasy and reality."
                                                              - Jacob Williams, June 2012 on Imagination

Imagination is what gives Comedians good material. I love Comedy stand ups, they have such great material. One would think they have a great sense of Imagination. I would have to agree with that. That may be a perfect example for how people use imagination a bit more than they do thank knowledge. But I also do believe that both go hand in hand.

People make good debates about how Imagination is better than Knowledge--or the latter. But, I would have to agree that imagination will always be better than Knowledge. Not all Knowledge is good. Imagination will definitely get you anywhere, physically and mentally. Knowledge may do the same, but with limits. The reason I believe that Imagination if proof of divinity is because not everyone has the same imagination.

The same ideas? Yes, but not the exact same idea that flows with your perception of the imagination within that idea, if that makes any sense. Anyways, our imaginations are just like our finger prints. That is why I say it is proof of divinity. Imagination will take us beyond the outer limits that logistics, knowledge and other things could ever get us. I think it would be safe to say, that without imagination, what would our motivation be? It gives us a sense of hope to believe that we can do anything. 

I hear the term "If we can set our minds to anything, you can do anything." I agree, but to a certain extent. If you were given something that you had no knowledge about whatsoever and were told to figure it out, could you do it with just your knowledge or would you need imagination to do it?

"Knowledge says that you can't do it, but your imagination says that you can, the more you start to use your imagination, the more clearly you will see that logic will only get you so far."

                                                                                                          -Jacob Williams, June 2012 on Knowledge vs. Imagination

I hope you all enjoyed tuning in to read. If you haven't caught up to my past four posts, they are pretty insightful. A little about me, and a little about life. God Bless and Love you all.

God is Love.


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