Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The Things that define you, with ones perspective. 

I remember going to grade school here in Washington learning about the keys to perseverance. People judge others too often based on appearance rather than actually sitting down and getting to know them. It is sad that we often judge people like judging a book by its cover. 

Your character truly shows who you are. If you don't worry about what other people think of you and just be you for who you are, your Character will outshine and people will take notice. I honestly think first impressions are not everything, even in the dating scene. I think it is overrated. It is always best to really sit down and get to know someone, be worry free and just be who you are. If people don't like who you are for who you are, then they probably don't deserve you.

"Trust is not an emotion neither is honesty. If you are looking for both, look at ones Character."
                                                                                                -Jacob Williams, July 2012 on Character

The reason I say that trust is not an emotion, is simply because it is not. It is more like quality that you have, just like being honest. I've learned that being honest is basically the key for everything. It heightens your Character more than anything else. Your work in this life also shows some of your character, how strong you are when you face things, or do things, how hard you worked for things. 

"If you can be the act that sets everything else apart, people will start noticing that there is act in ones Character."
                                                                                                    -Jacob Williams, July 2012, showing any act of Character

If people took notice that judging others is a bad thing, and took time to actually get to know people, maybe others would not be so self-conscious about having to deal with the fears of having others reject them. The days when people would be friends before relationships were so much better. The dating market nowadays is useless. Men go out to ruin the trust of other men who are just searching for someone to be with, but it is hard to do that when the men who have a lack of decency to treat a woman right just ruin a mans chances at dating. Not that I am pursuing the dating market, really have just been hearing about how much trust is broken and how woman just swear off dating of all men.

Now, I am not saying here that I am not sensitive to the matter. Trust is a huge thing, and it is the foundation of every relationship that you will be in. But give a guy a chance out there and be honest with yourselves. Because no one is perfect. And your expectations should never be of perfection. I believe that if he treats you more than you think you deserve to be treated you are one lucky person. 

Everyone forgets that. Those people with faith, know that the only one that never lets them down is Jesus Christ, and that is basically because he is perfect, even at times when you ''feel'' that he has, he is only telling you that you have not seen what he really had in store for you in the first place.

"Showing your Character is better than telling someone that you are different than everyone else. It's better to act than it is to tell."

                                                                                        -Jacob Williams, July 2012 on Proving yourself through act not words

People are going to notice things better by your actions than by your words. If you care about someone, your words may help them, but it is by your action that they will remember you most by. 

I know this is my shortest post, but I promise I will be back with a longer post soon!

God is Love,


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